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Church of England Junior School

Basingstoke Basketball competition

On Monday 15th November, St Mary's Year 6 team competed in the Basingstoke Basketball competition. In the competition, they played against three other school. Each game was split into two halves, and they played 4v4 with a different team of 4 in each half. They played against each school twice during the competition.

During the first round of games, they managed to get a win and two draws which was incredible for a team that has only just started to play together. They learnt their lessons about marking and to make sure feet are not over the red line before taking a throw in from the side. They started to work well as a team, making sure that they moved into space and mark the opposing players.

During the second set of matches, they achieved a win, a draw and a loss. The worked hard together and encouraged each other, and even congratulated the other teams on well scored baskets.

After all of the competition was finished and the points were totalled up, St Mary's managed to come in second place, earning a well deserved Silver Medal.

Well done team!


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