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Church of England Junior School

Ash Wednesday Service

St Mary's marks the start of lent with an ashes service. 

Today a number of the parishioners from St Mary's Church and other members of our school community joined our Year 5 and 6 pupils for an Ashing Service marking the start of lent. The theme of the service was based around forgiveness and how we can make the world a better place for all.

The reading during the service was that of the parable of the prodigal son, taken from Luke 15:11.  During the service prayers, written by some of our year 6,  were read.

All children and visitors were given the opportunity to receive ashes if they wished to do so.  The behaviour of all pupils was impeccable, it was clear they all valued this special time in school.  We would like to thank Rev Ken Batt for leading this service and also thank Penny from St Mary's for her help and assistance. 


Dear God,

Help us to show forgiveness by giving us the strength to accept that we all make mistakes.

Teach us to realise that as human beings our behaviour is sometimes imperfect and that forgiveness is a tool we can use to help get along with each other.

Dear Lord,

Help us to understand that forgiveness can bring peace and hope to people around us.

Help us to remember that showing forgiveness is a sign of strength and bravery, not weakness. We ask that you show us how to let love into our hearts, rub out the mistakes we make so that we can begin every day with a fresh start.

Dear God,

Thank you for letting us be forgiving toward others and helping us understand that this shows care for our friends and family. We find it difficult at times to show forgiveness and this can hurt our hearts. We ask for your support in showing forgiveness and love to all people, just as Jesus taught us.
