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Church of England Junior School

Sports premium Impact 2014-15

What was the impact of the Sport Premium funding for academic year 2014-2015?

This is a summary of the impact of the sports premium funding for the academic year (2014-15)

How has the funding been allocated during 2014/15?

Actions taken

Impact on learning


Dedicated PE team consisting of one member of senior leadership team and one sports coordinator

Organisation of competition entry-Continued increase to quantity of competitive sports entered and improved level of competition:

  • 111 children involved in external competitions (increase from 106 previous year)
  • 27 level 2 and above competitions entered (increase from 23 previous year)
  • Level 3 reached in 8 different areas (increase from 5 previous year)


Inter-class competitions-Increased participation in competitive sport.  Increased enjoyment for less enthusiastic pupils and awareness of effects of physical activity on health:

  • 190 children took part in the inter-class netball tournament
  • 205 children took part in the inter-class skipping challenge



  • PE coordinator
  • Other members of teaching staff

New ideas for Outdoor and Adventurous Activities- Developed staff confidence in delivering all areas of the PE curriculum

Network meetings attended by PE coordinator.

Less experienced staff supported in delivery of PE lessons by more experienced member of staff- Developed staff confidence in delivering all areas of the PE curriculum


Supply cover to enable:

  • Staff to attend training courses
  • Most appropriate staff to accompany children to competitions
  • PE team to organise intra-school competitions
  • PE team to provide training before competitions
  • PE coordinator to monitor PE lessons


Experts used within school so that teams can be accompanied by the most knowledgeable member of staff-Increased success in competitive sport.

More competitions entered (See above)

Inter-class competitions (See above).

Teams provided with training before attending events (See above)-Challenging our most able sportsmen/women


(£1000 extra paid on top)

Provision of additional clubs; inclusive of club membership for less socially advantaged children

A wide range of clubs on offer, including less traditional sports such as yoga-Increased participation in alternative sporting activities.

ALL children given opportunities to attend after school clubs.


Qualified coaching to work alongside teachers (currently sourcing most FOC from local clubs)

Teacher’s subject knowledge and confidence increased.

Children introduced to wider range of coaching approaches.

Local basketball coaches used to help provide training for County Games Challenging our most able sportsmen/women


Competition entry

Increased participation in competitive sport.


Membership of Basingstoke Schools partnership

Professional development for PE subject leader.


Resources -  both for PE and active lunchtimes

Wider variety of activities available at lunchtimes-increased participation/increased enjoyment for less enthusiastic pupils.

-Volleyball and badminton now available

Current equipment updated.

Equipment for use training for competitions purchased- Increased success in competitive sport.


Total Sports premium received

