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Church of England Junior School

Sports Premium Impact 2017- 18

What was the impact of the Sport Premium funding for academic year 2017-2018?

This is a summary of the impact of the sports premium funding for the academic year (2017-2018)

How has the funding been allocated during 2017-2018 and what are the outcomes?

Use of funding



Dedicated PE team consisting of one member of senior leadership team and one sports coordinator

Less experienced staff continue to be supported in delivery of PE lessons by more experienced member of staff and coaches from local clubs including gymnastics, badminton, lacrosse, basketball and hockey. 100% of teachers stated in teacher questionnaire that their confidence had improved in the teaching of these lessons. Staff confidence increased in the delivery of indoor and outdoor PE lessons.


Early identification of less active children provided to teachers as well as suggestions as to how to improve attainment in PE for these children. Pupil conferencing of these children also undertaken by PE coordinator. All year groups achieved at least 97% at expected outcomes in indoor and outdoor PE by the end of the year. Less physically active pupils and reluctant pupils are more engaged in taking part in sports.


A range of activities continue to be provided for pupils at break and lunchtime, arranged by the sports coordinator. Active lunchtime questionnaire undertaken by the play leader team across the school found that 27/30 activities chosen by pupils as their favourite activity to take part in during break and lunchtime would be classed as ‘active’. Less physically active pupils and reluctant pupils are more engaged in taking part in sports.





  • PE coordinator
  • Other members of teaching staff

PE coordinator attended PE conference and shared examples of knowledge and good practise with teaching staff, including mindfulness training and the importance of physical education and daily activity for children.

NQT’s and less experienced teachers supported in indoor and outdoor PE sessions. 100% of teachers stated in teacher questionnaire that their confidence had improved in the teaching of these lessons.

A range of monitoring, including pupil conferencing, drop in sessions and assessment data has taken place by the PE coordinator and good practise shared through these findings resulting in improved outcomes for children in lessons. All year groups achieved at least 97% at expected outcomes in indoor and outdoor PE by the end of the year.



Participation in sports

Organisation of competition entry-Maintain level of participation in school competitions and high level of outcomes in competitions:

  • 113 children involved in external competitions (increase from 111 in 2016-17)
  • 33 level 2 and above competitions entered (increase from 28 in 2016- 17), including in new competitions such as the Junior School’s Hockey League
  • Level 3 reached in the maximum competitions allowed in 8 different areas (same as 2016-17)
  • Level 4 reached in Table Tennis and Girl’s Cricket (regional finals)

Experts used within school so that teams can be accompanied by the most knowledgeable member of staff or external coaches where required-Children receive high quality training to increase the level at which we compete.

Inter-class competitions-All children experience competing across a wide range of sports:

  • Javelin competition for year 6 took place and all children participated.
  • All children took part in the cross country competition
  • All children took part in the interclass skipping competition.
  • All year 6 children took part in the chest push competition


Supply cover organised to cover teachers with specialist sports knowledge so that they could attend competitions- Children receive high quality training to increase the level at which we compete. (see above)


Provision of additional after school clubs

A wide range of clubs on offer, including less traditional sports such as Judo and Lacrosse, with 212 children participating- A wide range of sporting clubs on offer.

ALL children given opportunities to attend after school clubs and all pupil premium children offered clubs at no cost.



Qualified coaching to work alongside teachers.

Qualified coaches from local clubs used in Badminton, Lacrosse, Hockey, Swimming and Athletics, who have then promoted their clubs to the children. Children signposted to join local sporting clubs. 252 children attended some form of external sporting club with 66 competing at a much higher level; a few representing Basingstoke, Hampshire and even the South of England in their chosen field.

Teacher’s subject knowledge and confidence increased. 100% of teachers stated in teacher questionnaire that their confidence had improved in the teaching of lessons as a result of external coaching. Staff confidence increased in the delivery of PE lessons.

Children introduced to wider range of coaching approaches.

Local basketball, tennis, athletics and cricket coaches used to help provide training for County Games on 21st June- Maintain high level of outcomes in competitions – see previous including Level 4 competitions.


Competition entry

Increased participation in competitive sport (see above)


Membership of Basingstoke Schools partnership

Participated in a range of sporting activities (see above)- Increased participation in competitive sport

Professional development for PE subject leader- shared examples of good practise with staff, leading to higher quality PE sessions and 97% children at expected outcomes in indoor and outdoor PE by the end of the year.


Resources -  both for PE and active lunchtimes

More children are inspired to get involved with active break and lunchtimes: Wider variety of activities available at break times and lunchtimes. Active lunchtime questionnaire undertaken by the play leader team across the school found that 27/30 activities named by pupils as their favourite activity to take part in during break and lunchtime would be classed as ‘active’.


Current equipment updated.


Activity trackers purchased to monitor progress in the Daily mile- All children are inspired to improve the speed in which they complete the Daily Mile, resulting in increased fitness levels. Assessment of children’s progress in the daily mile showed that 98% of children demonstrated improvement to achieve their personal best.

Play leader training delivered to train 20 children now responsible for delivering activities during lunchtime. More children are inspired to get involved with active break and lunchtimes


The trail around the field is being replaced from bark to rubber mulch so that it is more durable helping to extend our active area beyond the playground and enabling a larger location in which to do the Daily Mile. The current timber trail is also having repairs over the summer: More children are inspired to get involved with active break and lunchtimes – this will now be completed in 2018-19 academic year thanks to funding from the school’s PTA(FOOBS).


High quality delivery of curriculum sports:

Inclusive sports equipment purchased and used across the school.

Badminton equipment acquired as providing this as a new sport taught within the year 4 curriculum.

97% children at expected outcomes in indoor and outdoor PE by the end of the year.


Maintain high level of outcomes in competitions:

Equipment for use during training for competitions purchased.

St Mary’s playing kit updated.


OAA training

Increasing staff confidence in the delivery of OAA.


Set of lesson plans developed for OAA.


Created and acquired resources and equipment for orienteering.


Medals and certificates

Certificates provided for all competitions- Achievement is recognised, inspiring more children to compete in internal and external competitions


Medals and certificates bought for Sports Day- Achievement is recognised in Sports Day.


The Daily Mile certificate has been introduced and given out each half term- All children are inspired to improve the speed in which they complete the Daily Mile, resulting in increased fitness levels.  Assessment of children’s progress in the daily mile showed that 98% of children demonstrated improvement to achieve their personal best.


Cycling proficiency

Cycling proficiency was fully funded and allowed more training to be provided for under confident cyclists, some of whom had never ridden a bike before- encouraging children to lead a more active lifestyle.


Swimming 97% of year 6 children met the national curriculum requirement of being able to swim 20m unaided by the end of KS2, with 24% of the year group exceeding this requirement. n/a

Provision of a broader range of sports, including inclusive sports

External coaching taken place in Lacrosse and Badminton- Children experience a wider range of sports.


A wider range of inclusive sports introduced into the curriculum, such as goalball and sitting volleyball - Improved understanding of the range of inclusive sports and the legacy of the Paralympic Games.


Health and Fitness Day

Parents invited to take part in the Daily Mile - Increased parental understanding of the Daily Mile and the benefits of living a healthy, active lifestyle.


Visiting ‘experts’, including a yoga teacher, a personal trainer and NHS nurses used to promote healthy lifestyles in school- Children motivated to develop a healthy lifestyle.


NHS nurses station during the Daily Mile to promote healthy lifestyles to parents and children- Children and parents are more informed as to the benefits of living a healthy, active lifestyle.


National League table tennis player invited as a guest speaker- Children inspired to get involved in a wider range of sports.


Total Sports premium received

