Ash Wednesday Service

Today a number of the parishioners from St Mary's Church joined our Upper School pupils for our annual Ashing Service marking the start of lent. The theme of the service was based around forgiveness and how we can make the world a better place for all.
One of our visitors commented:
'I felt that the children were really engaged with this service and, as always, attentive, responsive and quick to respond. There was an atmosphere of real reverance.'
The readings for today were in two parts focussing on the time that Peter denied Jesus three times and the time when Jesus asked Peter three times whether he loved him.
Children were then given the opportunity to receive ashes if they wished to do so.
As part of the service Year 6 pupils wrote prayers which you can read below.
Lord God
Please show us how to persevere through troubled times where we may be tempted to give up. Give us the strength to show persistence throughout every task we are set - however hard it may be.
Give us the strength to help one another when times are difficult. Guide us on how to spread love to each other in the world and to treat others how we wish to be treated.
Holy Father
Please help us to respect our world and those around us. Guide us through troubled times and how to respect other peoples' choices and opinions.
Dear God
Please help everyone to traet others with equal respect no matter what their race, gender or religion. May you also help us to end all discrimination so that we may bind our world as One Family.