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Church of England Junior School

New News Story

Last week, St. Mary’s Junior School and the families of the Year 6 children were filled with pride as the year group performed Mary Poppins on four separate occasions outstandingly. After weeks of practice, the children in Davies, Nightingale and Russell class first performed in a dress rehearsal to their fellow pupils. The younger children were blown away by the fantastic acting, singing and dancing on display. It was clear to see that a great number of children were inspired by the individual performances they saw and many are now looking forward to their own turn at representing the school in a Year 6 play.

After the excellent dress rehearsal, it was time for adult audiences. The children were thrilled to see such a wonderful turnout from their families and friends. Each evening performance had well over 100 people present and it was brilliant to see the children grow in confidence with each passing evening. There were many highlights and it would be unfair to name specific individuals such was the quality of each child’s performance. It really was a team effort and it was incredibly pleasing to see every child perform to their full potential. Never has the school value of One Family been demonstrated as well as this by our Year 6 children. As with every year, it wouldn’t have been possible to have such a play put together without the support of a significant number of volunteers who put many hours of their own time into making props, scenery, art and costumes. St. Mary’s would like to offer an enormous thank you for their support.