Tag Rugby coaching
On Friday 7th November Year 3 were treated to coaching sesion from Basingstoke Rugby Club.
As part of their learning in physical education, Basingstoke Rugby club were invited in to take a skills session of tag rugby. This was used to inspire and motivate our children to take on the challenge of learning a new sport. Aaron started the session by asking if the children knew any famous rugby players. Then we played a warm up game of "Jonny Says" based on "Simon says" where the Jonny is Jonny Wilkinson (click for link).
"Jonny says pass", "Jonny says tackle", "Jonny says scrum".
This warm up was followed by a game of Rats and rabbits where pairs tried to grab tags. Finally we played a game of trying to grab as many tags as we could while remaining in the square. We also learnt about the improtance of respect in sport and life.
Many thanks to Richard and Aaron who came today.