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Church of England Junior School

Olympics Week

St Mary's enjoyed a wonderful week celebrating the upcoming Olympics 

We hope that all children have enjoyed Olympics week at St Mary's!

All children have been able to take part in a range of events over the last 5 days to earn points for their team. 

Mrs Pressner worked with each year group on archery target maths; all children had to add up their scores and the upper school pupils worked out percentages, fractions and the mean scores! Children have also completed a  reading comprehension about the Olympics and they have taken part in an Olympic themed quiz. 

Sports day is always one of the best days of the year and this year did not disappoint! All the children loved taking part and to see so many parents supporting them was fantastic.

Finally, on Friday Year 6 pupils planned and delivered an engaging assembly to each class here at St Mary's and to each class at Old Basing Infant school, this also earned a point for their colour team!  Walking around and listening to all of the children was a delight; they were fantastic! All the children enjoyed learning from Year 6.

Throughout Friday, Year's 3, 4 and 5 welcomed Year R, 1 and 2 from Old Basing Infant School. They planned and delivered sporting games and activities to small groups.  Each class loved leading an activity with the infant children and we had the perfect weather for it! 

The children have had an amazing week competing and learning more about the Summer Olympic Games!

A huge congratulation goes to the Yellow team for winning the cup this year! The blue's and red's will need to up their game next year to get the cup back.