Sports Premium Impact 2019-20
Sports Premium Statement – How the funding allocated for 2019-2020 was spent
Due to COVID ’19 some targets were not completed, and will be carried forward to next year’s action plan.
The Premium funding was not used towards the cost of swimming lessons. Sessions were not all completed as planned due to COVID ’19 Lockdown. The outcomes for pupils were as follows: 74% of Year 6 children could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over 25 metres, 74% could use a range of strokes effectively and 48% could perform a self-rescue.
Planned use of funding |
Key actions |
Actual Spending |
Actual outcome |
Dedicated PE team consisting of one teacher and one sports coordinator. |
Plus school contribution |
100% teacher more confident with teaching Gymnastics.
Increase in number of children, from 89% for 2018-29 to 91% for measured 2019-2020, meeting expected progress.
Survey not completed by play leaders due to COVID ’19 Lockdown. |
Training for PE coordinator, and other staff as required. |
£2,000 |
Attended PE conferences, building up good knowledge of intent, implementation and impact of physical education.
Training given to staff for Gymnastics. 100% teacher more confident with teaching Gymnastics.
Participation in sports
£800 Also volunteers in terms of parents who are qualified coaches |
Number of competitions entered: 5 Number children involved in internal competitions: 187 Number of children involved in external competitions: 47 Number of experts used: 5
Inter class competitions: 2
Number of lessons covered: 17
Results: Basingstoke 1st 4 2nd 5 3rd 2 Quarter Finals 4
County 1st 2nd 1 3rd 2 Quarter Finals 1
Membership of Basingstoke Sports Partnership |
£500 |
Attended all events hosted by the partnership before Lockdown. |
Provision of additional after school clubs. |
£700 In addition to use of Pupil premium funding |
Number of sports clubs taken by PP children: Autumn Term – 13 Spring Term – 11 Summer Term – no clubs due to COVID ’19 Lockdown.
Sports different sports clubs run through the year: 11. |
Qualified coaches to work alongside teachers |
£500 |
Qualified coaches from local clubs used in, Hockey, Swimming and Athletics, who have then promoted their clubs to the children. Children signposted to join local sporting clubs. Rugby coach used to prepare for Basingstoke competition. |
Competition entry |
£50 |
See above (Participation in sport). |
Resources |
£3200 plus school contributions. |
Children inspired to get involved in lunchtime activities:
Inspiration for more sports:
Questionnaire not completed due to COVID ’19 Lockdown.
OAA training |
£1000 |
Class teacher covered to be able to attend Year 6 residential. Improved enjoyment for children undertaking it.
Creation of orienteering routes for Lower School. Leading to an increase in ARE and ARE+ achievements. (100% achieving ARE, increase of 3%, and 39% achieving ARE+, increase of 6%) |
Medals and certificates |
£200 |
Certificates and other awards provided for competitions. All achievements recognised in whole school setting, for both internal and external competitions.
Sports medals not purchased for sports day, certificates produced as there was a virtual replacement due to COVID ’19 Lockdown.
Further improve the quality of the range of sports |
£300 (subsidised through school partnerships) |
Move of cycling proficiency to Year 6 to allow further confidence.
A high level of sports taught within school.
Investment in a greater number of balls for sit volleyball and competitions for greater impact of teaching.
Children to be confident with swimming through swimming proficiency lessons.
Play leaders |
£310 |
Play leaders providing leadership in play time games. All children taking part in the daily mile activity. With 90% achieving a set standard for their year. |
Promote sport and fitness during lockdown. |
£300 |
Swimming |
£0 |
Current projected spend |
Total (Previously expected) Actual allocation |
£22804.24 £19580
Actual Spent: £17, 580 |